Wise Women

Hosted by the wise and creative Kathleen Francis, right out of Sedona, Arizona, Gary Null Enterprises introduces the Wise Women Podcast, designed to inspire by introducing you to world-class women of wisdom with remarkable minds who are living authentically. Tune in live on Friday’s, at 4pm EST on prn.live Most importantly these wise women share seeds of wisdom and thoughts on living graciously and effectively in the hope that you’ll recognize the wisdom within yourself so that you too can make your own unique contribution to a world that needs this now more than ever.

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7 days ago

My gifts are based on healing and an inner knowing. Because of unusual life experiences, I am a storyteller, and currently in the process of writing two books.
I have been blessed with two spontaneous healings. The first happened 37 years ago, when I was diagnosed with a tumor on the back of my uterus.  Using the Power of Prayer and creative visualization, within two weeks, during the pre-op procedure, the tumor was discovered to have disappeared before my surgery was to be performed.
After this experience, I began studying energy and energy medicine, and developed my practice over the last 39 years. I began working with people, and have enjoyed helping and guiding others.
I studied with an Indigenous Community where I dug deep into my spiritual roots.  I Dance in Yearly Ceremonies conducted by my Native family. These ceremonies and considered sacred and very private.
I am an artist and have had several showings of my work. My work comes about in a very organic way, where the void and love meet.  Some say that my artwork has healing elements for the observer.
I took another spiritual journey when I walked the Camino De Santiago this past year bringing powerful insights once again.  This renewed my life purpose and how I want to share the gifts that have been bestowed upon me.

Friday Jan 24, 2025

Michelle Phillips is an internationally renowned psychic medium, healer, speaker, teacher, author and workshop facilitator.  She refers to herself as an old timer, spiritually, because she has been doing spiritual work her whole life. She was born conscious of her gifts and has always had a direct connection to Source.
She is of the Melchizedek Order and is a conscious channel for Jesus, the Creator, Source energy. At the age of three she started taking herself into past lives.
Michelle refers to Christ as her “main man.” He has been with her from a very young age and has always been her spiritual teacher, mentor and confidant. Jesus has taught Michelle many healing techniques through her own healing processes.
She began her conscious spiritual work after healing her son from a severe kidney ailment. After such a powerful experience, she has dedicated her life to her spiritual purpose and mission, assisting others in their Soul’s Awakening, self love and purpose; co-creating Heaven on Earth in all life forms.
Michelle is also known as the Healers’ Healer. She has been referred to as an Inter-Galactic Shaman because of her knowledge and ability to travel through many dimensions – Light/Dark, Shadow, Above and Below. Many people come to Michelle as a last resort, when everything else has failed, and from her work they experience life-changing transformations.
She has appeared on various radio and TV shows worldwide. For over 5 years she was the host of the very popular live call-in spiritual television show, “Soul’s Awakening”. She was the co-host of the radio show “Soul’s Purpose Salon” and while living in Northern California, she started the monthly “Spiritual Connection Breakfast”.
In the 90’s, Jesus introduced her to Ashtar who physically manifested in her living room. Ashtar told her of her higher purpose and started assisting others in her weekly classes to raise their frequency into their higher vibrational selves and purpose. Clients would then come to Michelle and blurt out “I had missing time” or “I saw a UFO and I didn’t remember it until now”. Michelle then realized her vibration was high enough to activate the memories in them. The Etherians, who work directly with Ashtar, started appearing and together with Michelle they would pull implants, abduction programming, etc. out of people. 
Then Jesus, Ashtar and her higher spiritual team took her through a “Dark Night of the Soul” that at times she wasn't sure she would make it through. From this Soul’s Awakening she learned how to take people through their own shadow to disconnect from the timelines of the multidimensional collective shadow that is being played out on our planet now.
While in India in 2004, Michelle went through an NDE and was told that she needed to come back to Earth.  She did not want to do come back but was told that because of her understanding of the Shadow she was needed here. Unexpectedly, the Creator then channeled their first book through her, “The Creator Speaks”. It was so far ahead of its time that now much of the information in the book is being shared and talked about. All of her channeled books are DNA activators. 
She is the author of 5 books “The Creator Speaks” ,“The Creator Teaches”, “The Creator Heals” , “The Creator, Archangels & Masters Speak on the Cosmic Ascension." The Cosmic Ascension gives us hope by explaining the larger picture of what is happening on our planet now; that we are in a “collective dark night of the Soul and that we are absolutely "the light at the end of the tunnel.” We are shifting dimensions and coming home, full circle into the ONENESS from which we were first created. 
Her most recent book “Surfing through Heavens Doorways“ was written with her son Frank after he left this world into the higher heavenly realms. The book shares much of the spirit world and our afterlife. Frank immediately made contact with Michelle and he now works with her from Spirit world.

Wise Women- Darla Ridilla

Friday Jan 10, 2025

Friday Jan 10, 2025

Darla Ridilla
Certified Somatic Trauma Informed Coach | Podcaster
High Value Woman, LLC
Podcast: https://www.highvaluewoman.info/podcast
Find me on socials:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550835718631
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/highvaluewoman7/
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/highvaluewoman7/
Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/you-have-the-power-the-road-to-recovery-from-trauma-and-narcissistic-abuse/id1761735883
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/5HwBoZjw6sjLaM7lOa3lzM?si=8df717c231884338

Wise Women- Dr Ann Consorte

Monday Jan 06, 2025

Monday Jan 06, 2025

Dr Ann Consorte completed her degree in Zoology at the University of New Hampshire, following graduation she enrolled in New York Chiropractic College (NYCC) in September of 1984 and graduated in December of 1987. Having a deep passion and desire to run her own practice she opened the doors of Total Health Chiropractic in July of 1989 and never looked back. She opened the doors of Total Health Chiropractic in July of 1989 in Mineola NY and continued in a thriving practice until July of 2018. During those years she was actively involved in her community serving through the Kiwanis Club, Mineola Athletic Association, the NYChiropractic Council, and the Mineola Run Club. in 2018, She moved to Cottonwood Arizona and opened Inner Journey Chiropractic to serve in her community, she started Windows of Hope, and served as the Executive Director of the Arizona Association of Chiropractic. Presently she is living in Nacogdoches, Texas where she is Coaching other Chiropractors across the country as well as, giving nutritional and supplement consultations to patients across the country. She and her husband Jim are working toward having a community garden to educate the public on the hows and whys of organic gardening, to help remove the community from having to depend on the global claw. They see a need to create a self sustainable method of living, as the quantity and quality of the food supply is at stake.
Living the Chiropractic lifestyle in all aspects of her life has inspired her children to also become Chiropractors. Dr Ann's ability to walk the walk and talk the talk has led to her success at raising up a Chiropractic office where education is the primary component.
Dr Ann's greatest passion is teaching people to live a healthy lifestyle with her ultimate goal of transforming Health Care from sickness and disease care to True Health Care in which the world heals from the inside out through adapting the Chiropractic lifestyle.
2021 Coach of the Year Award

Wise Women- Dr Ann Consorte

Friday Dec 13, 2024

Friday Dec 13, 2024

Dr Ann Consorte completed her degree in Zoology at the University of New Hampshire, following graduation she enrolled in New York Chiropractic College (NYCC) in September of 1984 and graduated in December of 1987. Having a deep passion and desire to run her own practice she opened the doors of Total Health Chiropractic in July of 1989 and never looked back. She opened the doors of Total Health Chiropractic in July of 1989 in Mineola NY and continued in a thriving practice until July of 2018. During those years she was actively involved in her community serving through the Kiwanis Club, Mineola Athletic Association, the NYChiropractic Council, and the Mineola Run Club. in 2018, She moved to Cottonwood Arizona and opened Inner Journey Chiropractic to serve in her community, she started Windows of Hope, and served as the Executive Director of the Arizona Association of Chiropractic. Presently she is living in Nacogdoches, Texas where she is Coaching other Chiropractors across the country as well as, giving nutritional and supplement consultations to patients across the country. She and her husband Jim are working toward having a community garden to educate the public on the hows and whys of organic gardening, to help remove the community from having to depend on the global claw. They see a need to create a self sustainable method of living, as the quantity and quality of the food supply is at stake.
Living the Chiropractic lifestyle in all aspects of her life has inspired her children to also become Chiropractors. Dr Ann's ability to walk the walk and talk the talk has led to her success at raising up a Chiropractic office where education is the primary component.
Dr Ann's greatest passion is teaching people to live a healthy lifestyle with her ultimate goal of transforming Health Care from sickness and disease care to True Health Care in which the world heals from the inside out through adapting the Chiropractic lifestyle.
2021 Coach of the Year Award

Thursday Nov 21, 2024

Dr Jon M HarmonMarried to Karla Harmon Father of eight children of his own and 2 stepchildrenGrandfather of 26 childrenBachelor of Science degree in human biologyAttended the University of Utah from 1983 through 1986Graduated summa cum laude with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic in 1989.Board Certified in Neurofeedback and Quantitative EEGICP (IASIS Certified Practitioner) Member of IASIS Technologies Board Author of the book, “How to Reverse Aging- A Comprehensive Guide to Copper Peptides.”Author of the book, “The Reverse Aging Power of Epitalon- Unleashing the Secrets of Longevity and the Fountain of Youth.”Keynote speaker at the Energy Healing Conferences in Utah and IdahoPresident and founder of Clear Mind IdahoPlayed the drums in a 70’s rock band.Most importantly- Marbles Champion of my elementary school!
Kathy Sjodin
Kathy's health journey started over 30 years ago when her and her husband owned GNC franchises.  Here she learned all about supplementation
for health and healing.  After they sold the franchises, she embarked into network marketing and has been involved with multiple companies
in the health and wellness industry for over 20 years.
She had been retired from the industry when LifeWave came into her life.  However, after experiencing the Power of the Patch and what
it did for her, she knew she had to be a part of this company and share it with everyone she could.  
She has always loved helping people in whatever capacity she is needed.  Because health and wellness has always been at the forefront of
what she loves, LifeWave was the perfect match.  She loves the process of helping people regain their health, while at the same time creating
an income for themselves. 
She has been a part of Team EVOLVE for 3-1/2 years now and never tires from talking to people about LifeWave and the patches.  
For more information, go to:  startx39now.com

Wise Women- Mary Olsen Kelly

Friday Nov 15, 2024

Friday Nov 15, 2024

Mary Olsen Kelly is an author, business owner, public speaker, and twenty-four year breast cancer survivor. Her books include  Chicken Soup for the Breast Cancer Survivor's Soul, co-authored with Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, #1 Best Tools and Tips from the Trenches of Breast Cancer, (published by Books Beyond Borders), Path of the Pearl, (Beyond Words Publishing) Finding Each Other and Treasury of Light, (both published by Simon and Schuster).She's a popular speaker at women's organizations, medical conferences, and on cruise ships. Topics include "Finding the Pearls," "Survive and Thrive," "Stories that Heal" and "Tools and Tips from the Trenches of Breast Cancer."Aside from her work as a speaker and writer, Mary is a pearl expert who has traveled to Tahiti and Hong Kong to attend Pearl Auctions with her husband Don. For thirty-two years, she and Don owned a fine jewelry business; Black Pearl Gallery (http://www.e-blackpearl.com/), on Maui, Oahu. Kauai and The Big Island in Hawaii, as well as Miami, Florida, Coral Gables, Florida, and Balboa Island, California.  Mary has a BA, High Honors (1975), and a M FA in Drama and Theater from the University of Hawaii, Honors (1977). She worked in the entertainment industry in NYC, LA. and Hawaii for several decades and now she splits her time between Sedona, AZ, and Pasadena, CA.Now I’m in her 70’s,  she still feels there is something she’s meant to say or do. As an author with several published books, she’s still an avid writer. Mary feels drawn to create work that will encourage and inspire her generation of Baby Boomers, especially the women. She’s currently writing a few plays and books for that group, and she feels that her production company,  Bad Grannies,  is a way to inspire Independence, Courage and Fierceness in women as we age.

Monday Nov 11, 2024

- Born and raised in wyoming- Has lived in phoenix for 12 years- Has worked in precious metals for 7 years with three different companies- Developed a passion for education and transparency in an industry that is often untrustworthy- Manages an office for First National Bullion in Scottsdale, AZ with his associate and friend Gilbert Walter.  layton@firstnationalbullion.com      480-923-9899

Friday Nov 01, 2024

Roxanne Saint Marie was raised Roman Catholic. She was born in Los Angeles California and moved to Sedona Arizona during Covid. She's worked in the legal field and family law as a Director of client relations, and after her working with so many families in need was called to write a book called the divine volume of power. She is a singer, songwriter, producer, model, actress, and fashion designer. Since childhood she has experienced visions and dreams of the spiritual and witness many miracles relationship with godmother Mary archangels and Saints has been cornerstones her life.

Friday Oct 11, 2024

Marie Hathaway Myung is a retired paramedic supervisor turned small business owner of Kitchen Witch Hawaii, where she handcrafts a wide range of soaps, lotions, candles, and natural products with a touch of magic. With over 40 years in metaphysical studies, she co-hosts the Mindful Magic Podcast and YouTube's Mindful Magic Channel alongside her friend Kate, offering guided meditations, chats on the paranormal, witchcraft, the occult, life and death, and so more. Married to her soulmate, Marie has two adult children and two adored Pitbulls. Her recent ventures include recurring roles as a background actor on NCIS Hawaii and acting in and producing A Way Out, a film about surviving domestic abuse, raising awareness on domestic abuse and mental health.

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