Monday Apr 29, 2024

Wise Women- Sandra Levarek

I am Sandra Levarek, a Certified Chiren® Practitioner in
Biontology™ offering Biophoton Light sessions using an
instrument called the “CHIREN®.”
I work out of Sedona, Arizona. I have been working as a fulltime practitioner since early 2012.
“After I received my certification as a Bach Flower Therapist in
1983, my passion for energetic medicine evolved to my present
study with BioPhoton Light therapy, where I am witnessing one .
Miracle after another!”
I was greatly influenced by my uncle, Dr. Douglas Cook, who had
been working with Meridian Energies in the field of dentistry over
the past 35 years. He was personally trained with Dr. Voll using the
EAV technology in his practice. My uncle’s work on the energetic
energy relationship between the teeth and the body has always
fascinated me. I have personally worked on his website to bring these
new findings to the public online.
Dr. Cook’s work with removing heavy metals that were affecting the
meridians of the body fascinated me as much as it does today working
with biophoton light therapy neutralizing such toxins while using the
CHIREN instrument. View this VIDEO on the effects of mixed metals
in the mouth.”
After my personal session with Johan Boswinkel,(the inventor of the
CHIREN device) I learned that it is not just the physical heavy
metals that needed to be removed from the body, but also there is
a frequency charge that is left from these metals..
And that is where the CHIREN can be so useful and non-invasive
in removing/neutralizing these disturbances.
My Personal EXPERIENCE..
32 years of flying internationally as a Flight Attendant
with PANAM and DELTA receiving yearly vaccine updates to be
able to work these flights.
After 3rd baby, I decided to get breast implants. That was
the beginning of my long list of symptoms which I just began treat
one by one never connecting the DOTS to BREAST IMPLANT
Within 1 year of having implants, I went into full blown menopause
at 42 years old!. This is not normal..
I went on hormones thereafter! Symptoms after symptoms showed
up year after year.. The endocrine system was wrecked.. I began
Thyroid medicine.. Did the blood test.. They said I have Hashimoto
and would be on SYNTHROID for life..
Chronic fatigue set in.. I became a Biontologist practitioner after
helping a dear girlfriend who was so sick .. Now I know it was from
here implants.. both BREAST and TEETH implants.. that is when her
health went downhill so fast.. She has since passed with now they
say is Cancer of course!
Then when I learned from my ex’s "new women", about implant
toxins.. She removed hers in Amsterdam and she had sent me this
website: (B I I )
I researched and researched.. writing to doctors.. The cost to remove
them was astronomical at this age, and no insurance covers it.. I
finally found one doctor who would accept Medicare.
TODAY I am detoxing all the toxins from these all the
xenoestrogen plastics, silicon, and heavy metals that come from
these implants.
I believe that what saved me from all these symptoms I am seeing
with other women.. is using the Biophoton Light therapy which
neutralizes the “charge”  these toxins have to the body.. AFTER only
3 sessions, my blood test changed!! That was on the end of the 2nd
month from these sessions when I saw the change.
ENERGY back, still I was nervous to get off the meds for
the THYROID.. But slowly I did wean myself of those plus all the
Adrenal support supplements.
I want to share this with women.. of all ages.. 2 of my daughter-inlaws have implants.. and they think it is OK cause their mother-inlaw (aka me) had them!! EEEK! Nursing afterward is a disaster. The
baby can not latch on.. for days crying.. then they cut under the
tongue of the newborn infant.. to allow the tongue to latch on!
So it's anything in the body.. that can stress it out.. THE teeth, the
implants, cavitations, root canals, mercury filings just to name a few.
THEN mixed metal in the mouth is another..
I can measure the disturbances with the EAV technology and find the TOOTH
or area in the jaw that is causing the disturbance. Depending on the meridian,
you see the effects on that organ meridian. 98% of all breast cancer, its infected
on that meridian. .98% of all heart attacks .. it’s guaranteed they have an
infection on the heart meridian.. Ask me about my experience with this.. I
thought it was my heart, fibrillation .. but no it was cavitation on the HEART
meridian which corrected itself when that disturbance was correct.. I MEAN
IN JUST 24 hours after cleaning the wisdom tooth cavitation, no more
fibrillation.. JUST was amazing.. and realized I had that going on for 4 years
All of this is accumulative..
Then you add silicone to the body.. its a time BOMB! https:// Dr. Diane KAZER has really explained so much.of this..
in her videos today. The FOREVER CHEMICALS, micro plastics,
chemical toxins, heavy metals..
AND these HEAVY metals cause a GALVANIC CURRENT in the body.. This
explains why so many are sensitive to the WIFI, to electricity, to the EMF
everywhere.. Some people talk about hearing voices.. that’s the mouth being
like a battery tuning in to different Stations..
My experience with my girlfriend flying to HONG KONG.. Every time we
would get to a certain altitude, she would hear music.. She would have me
check for the PA on the plane, and check if it was on.. I thought she was nuts..
It was all those implants and fillings in her mouth along with the PH of her
body running like a battery.. My Uncle, Dr. Douglas Cook, DDS explained all of
this to me.. I could not believe it! HE was trained by DR. VOLL in Germany on
these disturbance from galvanic currents.
A GREAT movie to watch about all of this is ROOT CAUSE. https://
My JOKE here is that is SEDONA so many think they are channeling but really
it could be the galvanic currents running in the body like a radio transmitter/

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